And it’s a wee bit cool.
I’m not going to sugar coat it although, at least it is sunny.
Immediately after Travelling Companion left for work (pardon my language) this morning I had the overwhelming urge to hoof it down to the lake and try a couple sunrise shots.
Didn’t bother compensating for the intensity of the sun in that second one. Too cold to be fiddling with camera settings. I wasn’t even going to try putting on my glasses to see if I actually got anything. It could have gone either way.
I think that one is OK though, even though it’s dark. The drama!
And hey, I got a little exercise. I think that was mostly because by the time I took the third or fourth shot, I already had to go to the loo.
That’ll get you moving.
Somehow I *don’t* think I’ll be riding the bike to the pub. Now admittedly, I did ride in cold temperatures in the Netherlands, but there were a couple things in play. First of all, so was everyone else. And secondly, I some how felt it my civic duty to follow along. I don’t seem to have that same motivation here. I think it will need to be at least above freezing? I’ll go with that.
Gratuitous house photo.
In a certain light it doesn’t actually look all that bad. Looking too close is never a good idea.
By the way, one of the “joys” of having a grape vine at the front of the house? It gets pruned in these temperatures. Trust me, that’s *such* a lot of fun.
Realising that I’ve procrastinated long enough on a little project, I thought I’d better get it wrapped up before spring.
This will be a pedestal for the new washing machine. It’s only been about a decade since I had the intention of making this, but some stuff got in the way. So I did have to dust off those drawer slides a bit.
It’s a little higher than the “store bought” models. But that’s mostly because, that’s the way I wanted it.
I think front load washing machines are kinda cool and all, but I’ve never been overly thrilled with all that bending over to load and unload. Hence the cabinet. Then down below of course, there will be gobs of storage. Can never have too much it seems. I just like to have things “put away”.
You’d be hard pressed to know that of course, judging by the amount of stuff that we still have just hanging around. (Well, behind closed doors) But I can blame it on the move. I’ll get it all sorted out eventually.
Hope everyone survived their big meal. It was just an ordinary Thursday here. AND an ordinary Friday. We don’t do that whole “Black Friday” thing. Not on your life.
I can’t even begin to imagine what *thing* I would want that badly that would have me lining up at a store. To then give somebody some money! What?
But hey, if that’s your thing. More power to ya.
Enjoy your new *things*.
Keep it between the ditches.
Thanks for stopping by.