Sunday, May 22, 2016

Just muddling along.

And it seems I've been somewhat busy.
Well, mostly.
First of all,  it's Victoria Day Weekend,  or "May 2-4" as it's also commonly referred to.
It's an obscure kind of Canadian Holiday,  named after a Queen who has been dead for a long time.
As near as I can tell,  it has mostly to do with fireworks.
I don't do fireworks.
Oh,  and going up to open up the cottage.
I don't have a cottage.
But hey,  I did go to Daughter Number One's place to hook up their new dishwasher and range.
Range = easy peasy.  
Dishwasher = meh, not so much.

Like,  instead of listing the parts you have and then the parts you need,  how about including the damned parts I need too?  *grumble*
Anyway,  significant other (of Daughter Number One) and I had to make a couple trips to Home Despot,  first for the compression fitting that was on the list of things I "needed",  and then for some three eights copper pipe,  as the stuff from the previous machine came up about eight inches short.
Hate when that happens.
But,  it's done.

Tried out the dishwasher.  Doesn't leak.  This is good.

The new range is far from anything special, with the rather dramatic exception that the oven part actually works.  There was a promise to bake cookies.
The dishwasher turns out to be pretty nice,  and really,  really quiet.  Like, we had a hard time telling if it was actually doing anything.
And yes,  they wanted white.

After this kind of fun,  I find I'm just ever so slightly tired.  Something to do with lying on the floor, squinting at fittings to see if they leak.   That kind of thing.  Note the knee pads.  Enough said.

Now,  I should mention,  a little while back I "drank the cool-aid" and went over to the Dark Side.  By that I mean,  I downloaded Windows 10.  The proverbial dust has settled at this point,  but in all honesty, I don't recommend it.
Not long after the transition, in order to get things to settle down,  I had to punt out a few programs,  not the least of which was "Live Writer".  
I have to admit that,  I hadn't yet got Live Writer and Google to talk to each other,  but it was still a platform that I preferred.  I suppose I'll have to sort that out one of these days.  So meanwhile, I'm using "blogger".  

Not a fan.

As an aside, one of the programs that I had to punt out was a tax preparation program that Travelling Companion had been using.  Once again,  I don't recommend fooling with that sort of thing AT ALL.
Thankfully,  the information was there,  it was just a matter of reloading the program.
There were a few tense moments.  And I'm completely cutting to the chase here.
Seriously, don't ever do this.  These sort of missteps do NOT promote domestic tranquility.
Let's leave it at that.

Hey,  there's more "stuff",  like our golf tournament last Saturday where we nearly froze.
I'll be back,  I promise.

Thanks for stopping by.


Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Oh Boy.

And I don't quite mean,  "OH BOY"!,  but more like the way Fred Flintstone would say "Oh boy",  when he wasn't too thrilled.

I'm talking about this.

And it was my idea.  Truth be told.


Took us a couple years to empty the last one.  Not sure what I was thinking.
Anyway,  nothing all that new and exciting here at the Ponderosa.  I've been meaning to write...

Shameful,  I know.  There are so many fine upstanding bloggers out there who,  in spite of slaving laboriously over a well worn pair of hiking boots, (or whatever busy activity they've filled their days with) are still able to sit down at the keyboard and spout off about it.

Or other things.

I find that,  as the evening wears on,  I become more and more inclined to say,  go to bed.
Or sit like a lifeless lump.

In my defense, I have been keeping myself somewhat busy.

One of my sisters-in-law had a 65th birthday,  so I made her a little cedar planter,  thus:

I thought I had a better picture somewhere,  after I installed the little base,  but I guess not.
She was happy with it.  I mean,  what do you get a sixty-five year old person?  Especially one who has an abundance of plants?

Then,  while I was in the mood (like,  really)  I thought I'd make a planter for out on the porch for Travelling Companion.   She's been eyeing the "store bought"  plastic things,  but there was no way one of those was coming home with us.  Oh right,  buy one ugly plastic thing for a hundred bucks,  and get a second ugly plastic thing for "half off".   Now THAT'S tempting.

So this was my substitute.   

I offered to buy something to put in it,  but it seems that Mother's Day is coming up, and one of the offspring will be expected to sort that out.   
Whatever.   So it sits there empty.   For now.

In case you were wondering,  this whole post is going to be about "sh*t that Bob has made".   Just so you know.
'Cause there's more.

There was also a request for a little item for the sewing room.  Seems I can't make the room any bigger,  even though that would be kind of awesome.  So,  we have to make the best use of what's there.

Started out as a small project,  but then morphed into something a bit more than that.

Any guesses?

How about now?

And by the way,  it took me a couple tries to figure out how to make the jig that would allow me to drill holes at a 10 degree angle.  Oy.

This last one should let you figure it out.

There had to be enough room on the spindle for both the thread AND the accompanying bobbin.

There's more,  but now even I am getting bored just talking about it.

That's enough of making you move your eyes back and forth.  But hey,  thanks.
