Couldn't do it.
Wrong kind of valve stem.
Figured it was just as easy to pop a wheel off Gabe's bike and take it to the bike shop so the guy could see for himself. So that was another €2,00 for an adapter, or if you prefer, an "AMERIKAANS VERLOOPNIPPEL".

Originally this post was going to be named, "Overwhelmed", but that was pretty lame I figured.
I mean, who hasn't been overwhelmed on moving day by scads boxes, and very little clue where everything should end up? The poor bastards that were bringing the stuff in took quite a few trips up the stairs, since most all the boxes of clothes, linens etc. had to go up stairs. I sure wasn't going to carry it up later.
Btw, the guy in the truck didn't carry anything in, his job was to drive there and take the bubble wrap off the goods.
That's it.
Interesting chain of command.

The two worker bees had their hands full as well.

The guy on the bottum (older guy) was sweating like I do....just in buckets.
I did at least treat them to coffee on their little break. The truck showed up just after nine, and they were all done by 10:40.
I, on the other hand, had a little more to do....

All of that stuff got put away before we headed out for Denmark, which is where I'm writing this now.
There's still a couple beds to put together, and then there's this room to try and figure out. It's the one over the garage ...(where I get my handy dandy wireless signal)

Pretty sure no further explanation is necessary. I'll have to take this guy apart, so I can move it to the back.

I'll fly at it on Monday.
So that was the extent of Wednesday, except for having to stay up to go and pick up Gabe at the train station at something like 11:30. She managed to get on the wrong train in Schipol and ended up in Utrecht. Found her way home. I thought I'd have to drive to Amersfort at one point. I'm sure it's about an hour from home, so I was keeping my fingers crossed every time the phone rang.
Thursday, put away a few more things. Gabe had her hair appointment at 9:30 but had to go into the office for a couple hours, then it was off to Denmark...
Oh, went to the dry cleaners before we blew out of town. Looks like I'll need to take my own hangers, since they keep theirs.....also...there's no plastic involved. The no plastic thing I don't actually have a problem with, since anyone who goes to the dry cleaners with any regularity will tell you, we end up with way too much plastic, that ends up getting tossed. Folding the items up and putting them in a bag however, doesn't work for me.
Left Delden at around 2:30 and got to our hotel in Vejle sometime around 9:30 I think. It was dark is all I know.
Found the place. We're not in Vejle actually, since I don't really think there's a place to stay there (where you'd want to, anyway) but on the outskirts. It's the Munkebjerg Hotel, but we just call it the Monkey burg, since I can't quite get around some of their words here.
The Autobahn from the Dutch border to Hamburg sucked, and certainly wasn't anything that I had remembered from days of yore. Gabe even said something like, "I had pictured it completely different".....
Once we got past Hamburg though, and most of the truckers had gone to bed, then things livened up. Put it this way, at one point I noticed that I was doing 140 in the slow lane, and I was being passed like I was parked! Poor little honda just doesn't have enough to really get out there with them big boys, so I just have to let them go on by.
The tricky bit, and any of you who might have driven on the Autobahn will know, is pulling out to pass without having someone end up in your back seat.
The motorcycles can be particularly interesting to watch, since they do tend to accelerate rather quickly when given the chance.
One chap comes to mind who, when he had exhausted all six gears, was pretty nearly approaching the 200 k.p.h. zone.
We just both sat there and in unison said, "whoa...."
Of course, seems like about every week or so on the German news there's a report of some mangled motorcycle and the final observation usually is, "He braked too late.."
No kidding. (the guy's dead of course).
I'll come back to this up later.
Bob, Your Audi should be good for 240.
ReplyDeleteYou should try it once. (on a less travelled free speed straight section of the the Autobahn without Gabe in car)
exhilarating! If you are like me you can't do it for long as it is stressful and tiring as well.
When the car stops obviously accelerating, (at 200 or so) just keep the pedal down and let the speed creep up. Engines there are built and tested for sustained speed and RPM, and have a limiter so you won't hurt it.
You can likely do the same on the Honda, as it should be good for 170 or so.
Porsches etc will still blow by you even if you are over 200. Nothing to be done about it.
I haven't been on the Autobahn in over 30 years. I recall that even then most accidents were fatal.
ReplyDeleteI was a soldier, then. I owned a third share in a 1961 VW microbus. Needless to say, we lived in the right lane.
I found you through Tioga George. We are among his four followers. I am sure that number will grow as the Follow thing gets going.
Good luck with the driving. 170 seems a bit fast, but might be worth doing at least once.