Sunday, February 26, 2012

Not quite spring just yet.

Meh, I’ve been back and forth on this for a better part of the day.  Sitting at a blank screen off and on isn’t really going to cut it I’m afraid.


Maybe I’ll catch up a bit tomorrow. 

That always works.  Yes?


Here I was trying to capture the sleet that was pelting us,  but it didn’t really come through in the video.  I feel cheated.  Of course,  nobody is doing any kind of a job in the huddling department,  so there’s no accounting for any acting.  Especially sad on Oscar night.





As a further punt in the posterior,  I had been getting all ga-ga over the nice weather in the last couple of days,  but then this afternoon it got all ugly.

Is “snotty” a meteorological term? Somehow I don’t think so.


We were going to do a little bit more of a walk around,  but T.C. had worn what I would consider more or less a spring jacket,  and was getting cooled off quite quickly.  We packed it in.

And on that note, so am I.


We’ll talk.


Thanks for your indulgence.




  1. Snotty is a term I use for weather and a whole bunch of other stuff!

  2. I think snotty is a great word for yucky weather. However, we are having absolutely gorgeous weather here.

  3. We had just a tiny bit of that weather yesterday but now it's just back to gray and wet. Enjoyed the skating video... I used to enjoy a bit of that back in the day!!

  4. enjoyed the videos...great skating area...I think I even saw someone skating in a skirt??? How I miss my skating day..use to wear the black long bladed 'racer' skates....


Well, I've been getting too many spam comments showing up. Just a drag, so we'll go another route and hope that helps. So, we won't be hearing anything more from Mr. Nony Moose.
I guess I'll just have to do without that Gucci purse.