Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Ups and Downs.

Mostly “ups” really.  I can’t complain. 

Usually I just figure that if I wake up in the morning (always a good sign)  then it’s going to be a good day. 

The better part for today is,  at least Travelling Companion and I will be in the same country.  That’s always a bonus. 

On October 19th of 09,  I was back in the Netherlands getting things sorted out for the arrival of the movers.  T.C. was working in Vienna.  Well,  technically Strebersdorf,  which isn’t in Vienna proper.  I’m not sure who was more miserable,  since she was staying at the "Strebersdorferhof" ,  and I was in another country.  Luckily for me I was sleeping in my own bed.  I’m not even sure the “Strebersdorferhof”  would even rate one star,  but I’m not going to go back over how we both came to never, ever want to stay there again.  

One of the issues with Vienna is,  we have a lot of “headquarters” here,  and if there’s some big “to do”  with the UN or something,  getting a decent hotel room can be a challenge.  What then happens is, you end up at a joint like this “hof” I mentioned.   Some other poor unfortunates from the Company that Cannot be Named have ended up there,  and guess what?  The wifi sucks for them too!  Apparently the only way to get it to work is to stand next to the front desk,  breath the cigarette smoke from the owners and use your computer there.   Oh,  and you have to pay for that privilege of course.

Travelling Companion decided to go to her other office in Schrems for a few days during that visit,  which meant she’d have a decent hotel to stay in.  If you’re ever in Gmünd,  I highly recommend the "Goldener Stern", (The Gold Star),  a pretty damned nice hotel,  where not only is the wifi free,  but it actually works!  And “free”  usually means,  “it sucks”,  but that doesn’t always have to be the case. 

If you do happen to go to that Google Maps link,  I’ve already pointed out to the fine folks at Google that the name of the place is NOT “Gmunden”.   Turns out “Gmunden”  is a completely different town,  and if you happen to click on the Google Maps link that I’ve provided,  you’ll see that you have to drive over two hours to end up back in… Gmunden.   Right.

Sometimes a person has to break down and use a proper map,  like this one:



Dear Google people.  You can still buy these.  I’ll have several for sale when we leave Europe.


Maps like these are just a TAD unwieldy however,  considering it’s covering our entire “dining room” table.  Unfolding that sucker in the car can be fun.


But lookee,  see?  Two different places.





*Mental note*  Probably best not to turn into this guy:

Someone is wrong on internet

(an oldie but goodie)


Last year right around this time,  I know Travelling Companion had to work all weekend once again,  but I actually didn’t write anything on my birthday.   Not sure why.  Probably didn’t have anything to say. 

Sometimes that’s the better choice.


I did remember to go and check the drawer in the spare room and have a gander at the card that Nan left for me.  I just left it right there,  figuring I’d fetch it this morning.

Little did I realise that there was a surprise hidden underneath.   Oh Ya, Baby!   Chocolate!


It would seem there may be one more person who has figured me out?  Not that that would be much of a challenge.


I think that’s going to be about it for today’s missive.

Many thanks for any and all birthday wishes.  


Hope everyone has a fine day.


Thanks for stopping by.




  1. cute blog..we also use actual maps..always have them with us when travelling...if gps "sally" seems mixed up we always use the map..we do a google route the night before travelling, then compare to Sally and the map..we find we get lost less often..:)

  2. Happy Birthday. Hope you have a great day.

    Kevin and Ruth

  3. I'd sing Happy Birthday to you but I really don't want to ruin your whole day. Chocolate is the best present ever!!! Definitely still use maps. Guess we've ended up in some really strange places when we relied on what's her name.


Well, I've been getting too many spam comments showing up. Just a drag, so we'll go another route and hope that helps. So, we won't be hearing anything more from Mr. Nony Moose.
I guess I'll just have to do without that Gucci purse.